Resources for Student Success

Resources for Student Success

Here is how we can help you stand out!


When you are sending out an email to your professor or a Humber College staff member, it is best to follow best practices for email etiquette. This can help you strengthen your written communication skills, ensure that your message is clear and create a positive impression.

Emotional Intelligence and Career Skills

Emotional intelligence includes social and emotional skills that can strengthen your relationships, communication skills, and even advance your career! Use this resource to align Emotional Intelligence skills to career skills, and take your job prep to the next level.

Tips for Success

Learn tips on time management, stress management, exam prep, memory & concentration, notetaking and more.

Academic Action Plan - Possible Solutions

Sometimes we can feel stuck and unsure of how to succeed. This tip sheet offers possible solutions to your academic struggles.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is an important part of being a student at Humber. Learn more about how to avoid academic dishonesty penalties and resources to guide you.

Should I Drop This Course?

There are many things that may be impacted if you decide to drop a course. Use this resource to help you identify what needs to be considered and use the worksheet to guide your decision-making process.

Should I Switch Programs?

The decision to switch programs should not be taken lightly. If you are considering switching, now is the time to speak to a Career & Student Success Advisor to do some career exploration and reflection. Use this worksheet as a starting point in this important decision.

SMART Goal Worksheet

Using the SMART Goal Worksheet will help you see the bigger picture, get motivated and excited to reach your goals, create a plan of action, and proactively make a plan to overcome any obstacles.

Student Self-Assessment

Sometimes the strategies we used in the past aren't effective in post-secondary. See for yourself by reflecting on your student skills and habits using this self-assessment.

Weekly Assignment Due Dates Worksheet

Putting all of your due dates for the semester in one spot will help you plan, prioritize and not fall behind.

More Humber Resources for Student Success

Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar will answer these time sensitive questions: When's the last day to drop a class? When is tuition due? When is registration?

Academic Regulations and Related Forms
Academic Regulations highlight important processes and may vary depending on your program. This site also provides steps to make an academic appeal and required forms.

Assignment Calculator
Use the assignment calculator tool to help you stay organized and view your assignments as a series of small, manageable steps. This is great way to beat procrastination and help you get started.

Grading Method
Head to the Grading Method website if you are: Confused about the different GPAs? Not sure how your GPA was calculated? Have a non-number grade for a course? Want to know how retaking a course will affect your GPA and transcript?

Financial Aid
Humber's Financial Aid website has details on help in paying for your education through OSAP, bursaries, scholarships and bank loans.

Mark Calculator
The Mark Calculator is a tool to help you understand exactly where you stand in your courses.

Humber's Support Services
Head to to learn about support services at Humber including: tutoring, help with math and writing, getting a mentor, leadership opportunities, campus events, counselling, academic accommodations and more.

Research Support
The Humber Library can answer common questions including: Where do I find research in the library and online? Is this website a valid source for my assignment? I need help with APA or MLS! What is the difference between an annotated bibliography, book report and an argument paper?

Transfer Options
Learn about transfer credits or credentials from another college or university, applying for credit based on prior work or life experience, switching programs within Humber or continuing onto further education at Humber or elsewhere. You will also find course outlines for Humber courses.

The Fees Information website will help you understand the costs associated with being a Humber student including tuition, expenses, how to pay your fees, tax receipts, refund policies and FAQ for parents & guardians.