LinkedIn Support

LinkedIn Support Service

As the LinkedIn platform evolves to include diversified lists of occupations and industries, the importance of strategically building a profile and maintaining your network is more important than ever.

Here is how we can help you keep up!

LinkedIn Workshops & Photo Sessions

Gain insight into strategically building and networking on LinkedIn with a chance to get your profile reviewed and a profile photo taken!

    LinkedIn Photoshoot

    Stay tuned for Workshops and Photoshoot registration.

One-on-One Advising

For out of class one-on-one coaching with building your profile and maximizing LinkedIn for your career development, book an appointment with one of our CSPs (Career Support Peers).

Book one-on-one appointment

Learn LinkedIn Online with

For new or experienced LinkedIn users, this free online course provides in-depth information on how to make the most of your LinkedIn account. Upon wrapping up this course, you'll have the tools you need to grow your career by leveraging LinkedIn.

LinkedIn - Free Online Course

If students require assistance with navigating, please contact the Open Learning Centre

Are you a faculty member in need of in-class LinkedIn Support?

Find out how we support you and your students with using social media for career development and job searching.

LinkedIn Train-the-Trainer Workshops

In this two-in-one workshop, you can learn how to build your own profile while learning how to teach your students LinkedIn. The Train-the-Trainer workshop covers best practices, format suggestions, and research methods to identify opportunities and other professionals. For workshop information, please check out our Events Calendar.

Presenting to your class using Career Services LinkedIn Presentation

Using our presentation template for LinkedIn and additional resources, teach your students LinkedIn while sharing your insight and expertise on up-to-date industry information and trends. If you require any assistance with preparing for the presentation, please look for upcoming Train-the-Trainer workshops or contact Ashvini Sriharan, Career Resource Developer.

Request for Presentation Template

Want to share our services with your students? Ask your program Advisor about in-class Career Services presentations!

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