Career Resources
New topics will be added continuously as they are updated.
Career Resources
I don't know where to start!
Resume Basics
What's the best way to sell myself?
Resume Formatting
- Chronological example 1 (PDF)
- Chronological example 2 (PDF)
- Functional example 1 (PDF)
- Functional example 2 (PDF)
- Hybrid example 1 (PDF)
- Hybrid example 2 (PDF)
- Creative example 1 (PDF)
- Creative example 2 (PDF)
It's not one size fits all?
Resume Tailoring
Am I on the right track?
Student Leader Support
- Book an appointment with a Career Support Peer or Career Advancement Coach
- Submit a resume for online review
Join our Career Workshops
Cover Letter
I don't know where to start!
Cover Letter Basics
What should I write?
Cover Letter Types
I need a second pair of eyes!
- Book an appointment with a Career Support Peer
- Submit a cover letter for online review
Join our Career Workshops
Have I prepared enough?
Before the Interview
- Conducting company research (PDF)
- Presenting yourself effectively (PDF)
- Overcoming stress and anxiety (PDF)
There are no wrong answers... right?
During the Interview
- Answering behavioural vs. situational questions (PDF)
- Reviewing commonly asked questions (PDF)
- Asking questions to the interviewer/s (PDF)
- Book an appointment with a Career Support Peer to simulate a mock interview
The tough part is over, what's next?
After the Interview
Join our Career Workshops
How do I stand out?
LinkedIn Profile Building
- Building the LinkedIn profile (PDF)
- Book an appointment with a Career Support Peer to review your profile
I'm ready to meet people!
LinkedIn Networking
Join our Career Workshops
Job Search
I'm lost and need some direction!
Where and How to Start?
- Book an appointment with a Career and Student Success Advisor to discuss your options
What do I bring to the table?
Personal Branding
How can I get my name out there?
Job Search and Networking Strategies
Join our Career Workshops