Highlights from Advisor Training
Engaging, Educating & Coaching Millennials & Gen Z Students
Highlights from Advisor Training 2017
May 30, 2017 | North Campus
May 31, 2017 | Lakeshore Campus
Day 1 at North Campus
On May 30 and 31, 2017, student advisors from Humber College gathered to learn, brainstorm and share our thoughts. Here's a look at Day 1.

The keynote speaker Rob Pearson during his informative session about "Engaging, Educating & Coaching Millennials & Gen Z Students".

Melissa Gallo giving a presentation during a session.
This is some feedback on the sessions from our participants:

We're loving the huge turn-out of people for Training!

Ingrid Pulpan, our Co-ordinator of Integrated Advising, participating in the Strength-Based Advising Training session.
Day 2 at Lakeshore Campus

Jelena Dukic talking about Humber's student footprint, future enrollment trends and our current student population.

Chantal Joy, the Director of Advising and Student Academic Support, leading a presentation.
Here's a look into our second annual Advisor Training Day 2, Lakeshore Campus
This is some feedback on the sessions from our participants:

Shout-out to all of the amazing workshop facilitators today!

The Academic and Career success centre team taking a break. They've been working hard to keep the training running smoothly!