Highlights from Transition to Work
Employment Preparation Webinars for Persons with Disabilities
Highlights from the Disability Employment Awareness Symposium
Oct 3, 2023 | Virtually via Microsoft Teams
About The Event
The Transition to Work Program aims to enhance successful career outcomes and strategies for persons with disabilities by hosting workshops and events, and connecting learners with college support staff, employers, alumni and community agencies.
This symposium was the first time a Transition to Work event was held in the Fall. One of the planning committee's aims was to take this opportunity early in the school year to make students aware of the academic and career supports available at Humber College, the University of Guelph-Humber and Seneca Polytechnic.
The event was organized in three parts:
Keynote speech
How to Prepare for an Inclusive and Successful Employment Experience
Presented by Pina D'Intino, Owner, Aequum Global Access Inc. (Video of the speech is linked below)Panel discussion and Q&A
After the keynote speech, the following industry panelists joined Pina for a discussion and Q&A session:
- Sandi Gauder, Web Accessibility Specialist
- Lizz Hodgson-Noble, Multimedia Specialist, Strategist, and Educator
- Aiann Oishi, Web Content Accessibility Expert
- Rosanne Barlias, Employment Specialist at Spinal Cord Injury Ontario
Resources & Supports for Students
In the final part of the session, representatives from Humber College, University of Guelph-Humber, and Seneca Polytechnic presented highlights of resources and supports available at each institution to assist students academically and with their career preparation
The event closed with a $500 gift card draw that was won by a Seneca College student.